2 Gardens, or, South Side Apartment Blues

there's 2 gardens outside my window
the first is to the east
between my building and the lake
invisible from the street but clearly
seen from above.

when I first saw it I thought to myself
damn, how to get in?
before I realized that it's private
hemmed in between the towers of
a nicer complex.

the second garden is across the street
behind a window
in the opposite building from mine
great big potted plants dangling from
the ceiling.

neither is accessible to me or mine
but there's hope
in the second garden and the precedent
it sets for me and my new ceiling here,

A hope that one day I will be my own garden.
And I will be open to all comers, any time of day.

SoberedByBricks -- 22yo apocalyptic bisexual and mixed drinks enthusiast
