new flatware set

the virtuous practice
of appreciating what you've got
"oh this flatware set you've gifted me is perfect!
the length and heft are exactly right..."
etc etc
compared and contrasted to
the capricious academic habit
of ascribing value or significance
to nonsense
"oh this Warhol print is obviously a critique of consumerism
and this wine contains notes of burgundy..."
and so on.

This is @soberedbybrick's first poem on Paintbucket, which is strange bc they've been stanning for a minute!! It's also the first poem we got about forks. They're on Twitter and have good and funny tweets which you can find at . . .


Also, in a thread about orders (I was giving out orders), @SoberedByBricks was the first to fav the post before it blew up, and I told him a sparrow would direct him to his target. Anyway, if you ctrl+f the word "sparrow" in the Last Decade zine published by Protean Magazine, you will find the conclusion to this tale.